267 W. Valley Ave., #365

Homewood, AL 35209


(205) 945-9508

Press Release

Contact: Jeff Lyons

Phone: (205) 945-9508 [email protected]


November 15th, 2005


BIRMINGHAM, AL NOVEMBER 15, 2005: Life’s Been a Blast, the inspirational memoir by Emily and Jeff Lyons, is getting a face-lift. The idea of the cover was that Emily was blind, unable to stand, and in constant pain, yet she was smiling. This was too intense for many consumers. The uplifting tone of the book did not come through. We listened to what reviewers said, and redesigned the cover, according to co-author Jeffrey Lyons.

One of the challenges Jeff and Emily faced in 2005 was to realize a dream many have: to write a book. This is the only book my husband and I have authored, so we are learning as we go. We have tried very hard to produce a historically accurate work, while providing an in depth look at what it is like to survive a horrific trauma that captured the attention of the nation. Many people consider writing a book at some point in their lives, and this was our opportunity. Producing and promoting a self-published book isn’t easy, but few things worth doing are,� said Emily Lyons.

Life’s Been a Blast, ISBN 0-9769063-0-9, is the story of Emily’s courageous recovery from a dynamite bomb on January 29, 1998 placed in front of the New Woman Healthcare Clinic in Birmingham, Alabama. Emily suffered extensive injuries, including the loss of her left eye. She has endured 21 operations, but continues to face life head on and with a smile. Emily’s book details her efforts to live by her motto, Life knocks everybody down, what counts is how you stand up afterwards.

Eric Robert Rudolph murdered a police officer and seriously injured Emily Lyons. Rudolph admitted to a string of bombings, including the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. He was on the FBI’s top ten most wanted list for over five years, with a reward of one million dollars. The government spent 30 millions dollars in the search. Rudolph is now serving four consecutive life sentences in a federal supermax prison in Colorado.

Life’s Been a Blast is available at bookstores nationwide and on-line at EmilyLyons.Com and Amazon.com. Copies of the book ordered through EmilyLyons.com will be autographed by the authors upon request.

Complementary copies of the book are available to the press for review.


Original Cover, July 18, 2005 Redesigned, November 15, 2005